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The schedule for the Spring 2019 course can be found in Time Edit (course name FAFN40). The introductory lecture for the course takes place 10.15 Tuesday March 26th in room H322

April 22: You can find which project you have been assigned in the "Projects" home page.

March 22 The Schedule page and the Examination pages have now been updated

March 24: All pages are now updated. In particular the detailed course schedule can be found at the Schedule page.It is important to participate at the introductory meeting, where we together will decide things about the course examination including when it will be.

April 12: You can choose project by sending a mail to or by handing a note with your choices to one of the lecturers. You can sign up alone or in pairs. If you sign up alone you will be grouped in pairs with an other person who also has signed up alone . When you sign up, you specify your first second and third choice for project. We will try to give as many as possible their favorite choice. However this will be under the constraint of not having more than two groups on each project. You can give your preferred presentation date, May 29th or June 3rd, and if there is one of the dates which is impossible for you you should write this too.