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Laboratory and computer exercises

Laboratory and computer exercises are compulsory in the course. All laboratory exercises are in rooms A207 or A209, while the computer exercises are in room H212. You have to sign up for these classes. Listscan be found at the lectures.

Computer exercises

Diffusion equation - instruction to computer exercise

Here is a link to the files needed for the exercise:

Monte Carlo simulation - instruction to computer exercise

Here is a link to the files needed for the exercise:

  • To prepare yourself for the Monte Carlo simulation exercise, you need also read pages 1-6 and 99-110 in the manual to the Monte Carlo program we are going to use, written by Lihong Wang and Steven L. Jacques. This manual can be found at: MCman.pdf
  • The following scientific publication by Prahl et al. in a simple way describing the principles of Monte Carlo simulation of light in turbid media is also highly recommended. This file comes was also published on internet: prahl89.pdf

FEMLAB (Multiphysics) - instruction to computer exercise

Here is a link to the files needed for the exercise: