Quantum Information
The Quantum Information Group at the Atomic Physics Division, Physics Department, Lund University, works with quantum information and quantum optics using crystals doped with rare-earth ions. The group was established in the year 2000 as we realized that, because of their extraordinary long optical coherence times, rare-earth ion doped crystals are exceptionally well suited as quantum hardware.

In the beginning of the Millenium we described how quantum memories could be implemented in rare-earth ion doped crystals, techniques which subsequently have been developed and refined by many groups all over the world. In 2001 we were one of the groups developing a quantum computing scheme based on rare-earth ions. These schemes still constitute a base for new and extended quantum computing schemes in rare-earth ion doped crystals at many places and in general the field of quantum information in rare-earth ion doped crystals has increased continuously in the last two decades.
10 years ago we made a first investigation of slow light effects in rare-earth ion doped crystals and today we have slow light based projects ranging from laser frequency stabilization to deep tissue imaging for medical applications . The Quantum Information Group has ~10 members which work together on a mix of projects in the slow light and quantum information fields. A guide star for our work is to strongly involve all our group members in the scientific discussions of all projects with the aim to create a tightly cooperating group and utilize the full potential of all the group members. The Quantum Information Group is also a part of Lund Laser Centre, an organization for interdisciplinary research and collaboration in the fields of optics, spectroscopy and lasers at the Lund University, which comprises of about 120 scientists, including 20 professors and about 65 PhD students.
Stefan Kröll
Group Leader Quantum Information Group